How to Ace Your Next Essay & Secure the Best Grades

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How to Ace Your Next Essay & Secure the Best Grades


When it comes to getting good grades at university, nothing counts more than having well-written essays. But how can you make sure your essay stands out from the crowd and earns top marks? Well, that's where these 10 tips come in handy! With them, you'll be able to complete any assignment thrown at you with effortless ease. From researching thoroughly to using the right structures and formats, here are practical strategies for crafting a winning essay that will get you those amazing results. So take some time out of your schedule today and discover on how best to write an outstanding piece!

1. Start with a plan

Acing your next essay is an achievable goal if you come up with a plan to help guide you through the process. Take some time to consider your ideas and what you want to communicate before beginning, as this will help you stay focused on your argument. Once you have an idea of what you'd like to write about and how you are going to structure your essay, break down your piece into manageable sections. The planning stage may seem tedious but it will pay off in the end when it comes time to write because it gives you the confidence that the pieces of your essay are consciously thought out. A good plan can make all the difference for a great essay!

2. Research thoroughly

When writing an essay, it is important to research thoroughly and make sure that the facts and figures you present are backed up with accurate sources. While conducting your research, analyze every piece of information that you come across and choose only the correct ones so that all your claims in the essay are valid. Avoid relying on second-hand information found on unreliable sources and instead seek out authoritative material such as books, articles, and journals. Taking time to research can also help strengthen the arguments you make as well as give context to events or cases you discuss.

3. Brainstorm ideas

When writing an essay, it’s important to come up with interesting points or arguments that will support your main thesis. The process of brainstorming can help you achieve this by allowing you to create multiple ideas and look at them in new ways. Think openly, critically reflect on what is generated, and use your imagination to join different concepts together. As you work through the brainstorming session, let yourself be creative and don’t be afraid to pursue a variety of possibilities from the most left-field option to something that more closely resembles your original thoughts. Once the ideas are on paper, arrange them into categories and re-evaluate each one – consider whether any could be improved and which should be further developed for a successful essay.

4. Make an outline

Creating an outline helps to ensure that your essay contains a logical flow and addressed all required information. It involves breaking down the essay into sections, subsections, and paragraphs. Starting with the introduction, consider what are the major points you will highlight and what is the desired outcome of each point? Next move on to the body of your essay and consider how best to organize it. This could involve subdividing topics into relevant sections or grouping them sequentially in order to showcase shared themes. Finally finish up with a conclusion which ties together all of the points you've made in what should be an impactful closing statement. Crafting an outline that meets all of these criteria will make for a well-rounded, cohesive piece that readers can decipher easily and quickly.

5. Write in clear language

When writing an essay, using clear language is key. To ensure that your thoughts and ideas can be easily understood by readers, utilize simple words and phrases to convey them. By using straight-forward vernacular in your paper, you are making sure that all those who come across your work can quickly and effortlessly understand its premise without getting bogged down in complex verbiage. Additionally, it will help to give a professional appearance to your writing, all while ensuring that the desired message is effectively conveyed.

6. Use active voice

Using active voice in your writing is an effective way to make it easier to read and understand. Your papers and essays should be written in active voice to provide the reader with clear, concise arguments or expressions. Passive voice forces readers to wade through unnecessary verbs, resulting in a longer, more difficult-to-follow piece. For instance, an essay written in passive voice could read "The results of the experiment were examined by the researcher". This sentence can easily be rewritten as "The researcher examined the results of the experiment", which is shorter and more direct. In conclusion, using active voice is an ideal method for making sentences shorter, clearer, and more concise – perfect for any professional essay!

7. Edit as you go along

Writing essays can be challenging, but one great way to make the job much less daunting is to edit as you go along. Instead of waiting until the end when you are exhausted and dreading proofreading an entire essay, proofread each paragraph as soon as it is written – this way there is less material to look over and make changes to. Editing as you go will also ensure that your essay’s tone, argument structure, and points remain consistent throughout. Additionally, if you wait until the end to do your editing there is less time for fixes if needed and you may need to rush in order to get it finished before the deadline.

8. Support all claims with evidence

When writing an essay, it is essential to back up all claims with evidence. Supporting a claim with evidence adds credibility and helps to convince the reader that the argument being made is valid. Whenever possible, citing sources should be done in order to show where the information generated originated from, as well as demonstrating that extra effort was taken for research. This can also include sources such as statistical data or community studies for proof of what is being stated in the essay. Additionally, citing sources enables others who are reading the essay to further investigate any information or resources used when forming an argument. All of these elements come together and create a persuasive piece of work that has been thoroughly supported by evidence.

9. Check for grammar mistakes

Editing your essay before submission is a crucial step in the writing process. Checking for grammar mistakes yourself should never be overlooked, and spell checkers or online tools like Grammarly are great resources to have on hand. Grammarly, in particular, can provide thorough reports of mistakes while giving helpful, easy-to-action suggestions to help you improve your writing. By taking the time to use these tools prior to submission, you’re not only helping to ensure accuracy in your work but also minimizing the chances of errors. All in all, using tools like these makes a huge difference when it comes to delivering polished work.

10. Take breaks while drafting

Taking regular breaks while drafting an essay can be beneficial, as it allows your mind a chance to reset. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and overworked when tackling a large project, but taking short breaks every hour or two can help prevent burnout and keep you focused for longer periods of time. Not only does this give you the much-needed break your mind requires to stay productive, but it also increases productivity levels, resulting in more efficient work. Taking consistent breaks allows you to continue working with a clear head, which ultimately leads to better quality output.


Ultimately, acing your next essay and achieving the best grades is a very achievable goal. Following these 10 tips can help you create an organized, clear, captivating piece of work. With hard work, dedication, and understanding of the tips mentioned in this post it won’t take long for your writing to show great improvement. Before you know it you’ll notice that essay writing doesn’t feel like a difficult task any longer. Of course, if you ever find yourself struggling with successfully implementing these tricks in your work don't hesitate to seek academic help from tutors or peers. Don't forget to reward yourself when finish the paper with something relaxing like your favorite meal or a movie night at home! Now that you have all the information needed to write stellar essays make sure to apply them when tackling your next project!

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