11. New Client Investigation Before accepting a new client, most CPA firms investigate the company to determine its acceptability. They do this by examining, to the extent possible, the prospective client’s standing in the business community, financial stability, and relations with its previous CPA firm. For example, many CPA firms use considerable caution in accepting new clients in newly formed, rapidly growing businesses. Many of these businesses fail financially and expose the CPA firm to significant potential liability. The CPA firm must also determine that it has the competency, such as industry knowledge, to accept the engagement and that the firm can satisfy all independence requirements. For prospective clients that have previously been audited by another CPA firm, the new (successor) auditor is required by auditing standards to communicate with the predecessor auditor. The purpose of the requirement is to help the successor auditor evaluate whether to accept the engagement. The communication may, for example, inform the successor auditor that the client lacks integrity or that there have been disputes over accounting principles, audit procedures, or fees. The burden of initiating the communication rests with the successor auditor, but the predecessor auditor is required to respond to the request for information. However, the con - fidentiality requirement in the Code of Professional Conduct requires that the predecessor auditor obtain permission from the client before the communication can be made. In the event of unusual circumstances such as legal problems or disputes between the client and the predecessor, the predecessor’s response can be limited to stating that no information will be provided. If a client will not permit the communication or the predecessor will not provide a comprehensive response, the successor should seriously consider the desir - ability of accepting a prospective engagement, without considerable other investigation. Even when a prospective client has been audited by another CPA firm, a successor may make other investigations by gathering information from local attorneys, other CPAs, banks, and other businesses. In some cases, the auditor may even hire a pro - fessional investigator to obtain information about the reputation and background of key members of management. Such extensive investigation is appropriate when there has been no previous auditor, when a predecessor auditor will not provide the desired information, or if any indication of problems arises from the communication. Continuing Clients Many CPA firms evaluate existing clients annually to determine whether there are reasons for not continuing to do the audit. Previous conflicts over the appropriate scope of the audit, the type of opinion to issue, unpaid fees, or other matters may cause the auditor to discontinue association. The auditor may also drop a client after determining the client lacks integrity. Even if none of the previously discussed conditions exist, the CPA firm may decide not to continue doing audits for a client because of excessive risk. For example, a CPA firm might decide that considerable risk of a regulatory conflict exists between a governmental agency and a client, which could result in financial failure of the client and ultimately lawsuits against the CPA firm. Even if the engagement is profitable, the long-term risk may exceed the short-term benefits of doing the audit. Investigating new clients and reevaluating existing ones is an essential part of deciding acceptable audit risk. For example, assume a potential client operates in a reasonably risky industry, that its management has a reputation of integrity, but is also known to take aggres sive financial risks. If the CPA firm decides that acceptable audit risk is extremely low, it may choose not to accept the engagement. If the CPA firm concludes that acceptable audit risk is low but the client is still acceptable, the firm may accept the engagement but increase the fee proposed to the client. Audits with a low acceptable audit risk will normally result in higher audit costs, which should be reflected in higher audit fees. Two major factors affecting acceptable audit risk are the likely statement users and their intended uses of the statements. The auditor is likely to accumulate more evidence when the statements are to be used extensively, as is often the case for publicly held companies, those with extensive indebtedness, and companies that are to be sold in the near future. The most likely uses of the statements can be determined from previous experience with the client and discussions with management. Throughout the engagement, the auditor may get additional information about why the client is having an audit and the likely uses of the financial statements. This information may affect the auditor’s acceptable audit risk. A clear understanding of the terms of the engagement should exist between the client and the CPA firm. Auditing standards require that auditors document their under - standing with the client in an engagement letter, including the engagement’s objectives, the responsibilities of the auditor and management, and the engagement’s limitations. For public companies, the audit committee is responsible for hiring the auditor as required by the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. The engagement letter is typically signed by management for private companies. An example of an engagement letter for the audit of a private company is provided in Figure 8-2 (p. 214). The engagement letter may also include an agreement to provide other services such as tax returns or management consulting allowed under the Code of Professional Conduct and regulatory requirements. It should also state any restrictions to be imposed on the auditor’s work, deadlines for completing the audit, assistance to be provided by the client’s personnel in obtaining records and documents, and schedules to be prepared for the auditor. It often includes an agreement on fees. The engagement letter also serves the purpose of informing the client that the auditor cannot guarantee that all acts of fraud will be discovered. Engagement letter information is important in planning the audit principally because it affects the timing of the tests and the total amount of time the audit and other services will take. For example, if the deadline for submitting the audit report is soon after the balance sheet date, a significant portion of the audit must be done before the end of the year. If unexpected circumstances arise or if client assistance is not available, arrangements must be made to extend the amount of time for the engage - ment. Client-imposed restrictions on the audit can affect the procedures performed and possibly even the type of audit opinion issued. After understanding the client’s reasons for the audit, the auditor should develop a preliminary audit strategy. This strategy considers the nature of the client’s business and industry, including areas where there is greater risk of significant misstatements.
(Objective 8-3)
A thorough understanding of the client’s business and industry and knowledge about the company’s operations are essential for the auditor to conduct an adequate audit. The second standard of field work states:
The nature of the client’s business and industry affects client business risk and the risk of material misstatements in the financial statements. (Client business risk is the risk that the client will fail to meet its objectives. It is discussed further later in the chapter.) In recent years, several factors have increased the importance of understanding the client’s business and industry:
• Recent significant declines in economic conditions around the world are likely to significantly increase a client’s business risks. Auditors need to understand the nature of the client’s business to understand the impact of major economic downturns on the client’s financial statements and ability to continue as a going concern.
• Information technology connects client companies with major customers and suppliers. As a result, auditors need greater knowledge about major customers and suppliers and related risks. • Clients have expanded operations globally, often through joint ventures or strategic alliances. • Information technology affects internal client processes, improving the quality and timeliness of accounting information.
• The increased importance of human capital and other intangible assets has increased accounting complexity and the importance of management judgments and estimates.
• Many clients may have invested in complex financial instruments, such as col - lateralized debt obligations or unusual mortgage backed securities, which may have declined in value, require complex accounting treatments, and often involve unknown counterparties who may create unexpected financial risks for the client. Auditors consider these factors using a strategic systems approach to under - standing the client’s business. Figure 8-3 provides an overview of the approach to understanding the client’s business and industry. Next, we will discuss several aspects of this approach. The three primary reasons for obtaining a good understanding of the client’s industry and external environment are:
1. Risks associated with specific industries may affect the auditor’s assessment of client business risk and acceptable audit risk—and may even influence auditors against accepting engagements in riskier industries, such as the financial services and health insurance industries.
2. Many inherent risks are common to all clients in certain industries. Famil - iarity with those risks aids the auditor in assessing their relevance to the
client. Examples include potential inventory obsolescence in the fashion clothing industry, accounts receivable collection inherent risk in the consumer loan industry, and reserve for loss inherent risk in the casualty insurance industry. 3. Many industries have unique accounting requirements that the auditor must understand to evaluate whether the client’s financial statements are in accordance with accounting standards. For example, if the auditor is doing an audit of a city government, the auditor must understand governmental accounting and auditing requirements. Unique accounting requirements exist for construction companies, railroads, not-for-profit organizations, financial institutions, and many other organizations. Many auditor litigation cases (like those described in Chapter 5) result from the auditor’s failure to fully understand the nature of transactions in the client’s industry, similar to what occurred in the Enron case discussed in the opening vignette to this chapter. The auditor must also understand the client’s external environment, including such things as wide volatility in economic conditions, extent of competition, and regulatory requirements. For example, auditors of utility companies need more than an understanding of the industry’s unique regulatory accounting requirements. They must also know how recent deregulation in this industry has increased competition and how fluctuations in energy prices impact firm operations. To develop effective audit plans, auditors of all companies must have the expertise to assess external environment risks. The auditor should understand factors such as major sources of revenue, key customers and suppliers, sources of financing, and information about related parties that may indi - cate areas of increased client business risk. For example, many technology firms are dependent on one or a few products that may become obsolete due to new technologies or stronger competitors. Dependence on a few major customers may result in material losses from bad debts or obsolete inventory.
(Objective 8-4)
The auditor uses knowledge gained from the understanding of the client’s business and industry to assess client business risk, the risk that the client will fail to achieve its objectives. Client business risk can arise from any of the factors affecting the client and its environment, such as significant declines in the economy that threaten the client’s cash flows, new technology eroding a client’s competitive advantage, or a client failing to execute its strategies as well as its competitors. The auditor’s primary concern is the risk of material misstatements in the financial statements due to client business risk. For example, companies often make strategic acquisitions or mergers that depend on successfully combining the operations of two or more companies. If the planned synergies do not develop, the fixed assets and goodwill recorded in the acquisition may be impaired, affecting the fair presentation in the financial statements. Figure 8-4 summarizes the relationship among the client’s business and industry, client business risk, and the auditor’s assessment of the risk of material financial statement misstatements. The auditor’s assessment of client business risk considers the client’s industry and other external factors, as well as the client’s business strategies, processes and other internal factors. The auditor also considers management controls that may mitigate business risk, such as effective risk assessment practices and corporate governance. Remaining risk after considering the effectiveness of top management controls is sometimes called residual risk. After evaluating client business risk, the auditor can then assess the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements, and then apply the audit risk model to determine the appropriate extent of audit evidence. Use of the audit risk model is discussed in Chapter 9.
Management is a primary source for identifying client business risks. In public companies, management should conduct thorough evaluations of relevant client business risks that affect financial reporting to be able to certify quarterly and annual financial statements, and to evaluate the effectiveness of disclosure controls and pro - cedures required by the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. Boards of directors and senior executives increasingly implement an enterprise-wide approach to risk management as described in the shaded box on this page. Sarbanes–Oxley requires management to certify that it has designed disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material information about business risks are communicated to management and disclosed to external stakeholders, such as investors. These procedures cover a broader range of information than is covered by an issuer’s internal controls for financial reporting. The procedures should capture information that is relevant to assess the need to disclose developments and risks that pertain to the company’s business. For example, if a subsidiary engages in significant hedging activities, controls should exist so that top management is informed of and discloses this informa tion. Inquiries of management about client business risks it has identified, in advance of certifying quarterly and annual financial statements, may provide a significant source of information for auditors about client business risks affecting financial reporting. The Sarbanes–Oxley Act also requires management to certify that it has informed the auditor and audit committee of any significant deficiencies in internal control, including material weaknesses. Such information enables auditors to better evaluate how internal controls may affect the likelihood of material misstatements in financial statements.
(Objective 8-7)
The usefulness of analytical procedures as audit evidence depends significantly on the auditor developing an expectation of what a recorded account balance or ratio should be, regardless of the type of analytical procedures used. Auditors develop an expec - tation of an account balance or ratio by considering information from prior periods, industry trends, client-prepared budgeted expectations, and nonfinancial information. The auditor typically compares the client’s balances and ratios with expected balances and ratios using one or more of the following types of analytical procedures. In each case, auditors compare client data with:
1. Industry data
2. Similar prior-period data
3. Client-determined expected results
4. Auditor-determined expected results
5. Expected results using nonfinancial data Suppose that you are doing an audit and obtain the following information about the client and the average company in the client’s industry:
If we look only at client information for the two ratios shown, the company appears to be stable with no apparent indication of difficulties. However, if we use industry data to develop expectations about the two ratios for 2011, we should expect both ratios for the client to increase. Although these two ratios by themselves may not indicate significant problems, this data illustrates how developing expectations using industry data may provide useful information about the client’s performance and potential misstatements. Perhaps the company has lost market share, its pricing has not been competitive, it has incurred abnormal costs, or perhaps it has obsolete items in inven - tory or made errors in recording purchases. The auditor needs to determine if either of the last two occurred to have reasonable assurance that the financial statements are not misstated. Dun & Bradstreet, Standard and Poor’s, and other analysts accumulate financial information for thousands of companies and compile the data for different lines of business. Many CPA firms purchase this industry information for use as a basis for developing expectations about financial ratios in their audits. The most important benefits of industry comparisons are to aid in understanding the client’s business and as an indication of the likelihood of financial failure. They are less likely to help auditors identify potential misstatements. Financial information collected by the Risk Management Association, for example, is primarily of a type that bankers and other credit analysts use in evaluating whether a company will be able to repay a loan. That same information is useful to auditors in assessing the relative strength of the client’s capital structure, its borrowing capacity, and the likelihood of financial failure. However, a major weakness in using industry ratios for auditing is the difference between the nature of the client’s financial information and that of the firms making up the industry totals. Because the industry data are broad averages, the comparisons may not be meaningful. Often, the client’s line of business is not the same as the industry standards. In addition, different companies follow different accounting methods, and this affects the comparability of data. For example, if most companies in the industry use FIFO inventory valuation and straight-line depreciation and the audit client uses LIFO and double-declining-balance depreciation, comparisons may not be meaningful. This does not mean that industry comparisons should be avoided. Rather, it is an indication of the need for care in using industry data to develop expectations about financial relationships and in interpreting the results. One approach to overcome the limitations of industry averages is to compare the client to one or more benchmark firms in the industry. Suppose that the gross margin percentage for a company has been between 26 and 27 percent for each of the past 4 years but has dropped to 23 percent in the current year. This decline in gross margin should be a concern to the auditor if a decline is not expected. The cause of the decline could be a change in economic conditions. But, it could also be caused by misstatements in the financial statements, such as sales or purchase cutoff errors, unrecorded sales, overstated accounts payable, or inventory costing errors. The decline in gross margin is likely to result in an increase in evidence in one or more of the accounts that affect gross margin. The auditor needs to determine the cause of the decline to be confident that the financial statements are not materially misstated. A wide variety of analytical procedures allow auditors to compare client data with similar data from one or more prior periods. Here are some common examples: Compare the Current Year’s Balance with that of the Preceding Year One of the easiest ways to perform this test is to include the preceding year’s adjusted trial balance results in a separate column of the current year’s trial balance spreadsheet. The auditor can easily compare the current year’s balance and previous year’s balance to decide, early in the audit, whether an account should receive more than the normal amount of attention because of a significant change in the balance. For example, if the auditor observes a substantial increase in supplies expense, the auditor should determine whether the cause was an increased use of supplies, an error in the account due to a misclassification, or a misstatement of supplies inventory. Compare the Detail of a Total Balance with Similar Detail for the Preceding Year If there have been no significant changes in the client’s operations in the current year, much of the detail making up the totals in the financial statements should also remain unchanged. By briefly comparing the detail of the current period with similar detail of the preceding period, auditors often isolate information that needs further examination. Comparison of details may take the form of details over time, such as comparing the monthly totals for the current year and preceding year for sales, repairs, and other accounts, or details at a point in time, such as comparing the details of loans payable at the end of the current year with the detail at the end of the preceding year. In each of these examples, the auditor should first develop an expectation of a change or lack thereof before making the comparison. Compute Ratios and Percent Relationships for Comparison with Previous Years Comparing totals or details with previous years has two shortcomings. First, it fails to consider growth or decline in business activity. Second, relationships of data to other data, such as sales to cost of goods sold, are ignored. Ratio and percent relation - ships overcome both shortcomings. For example, the gross margin is a common percent relationship used by auditors.