Improve Your Grades: Professional Help for Accounting Students

Improve Your Grades: Professional Help for Accounting Students
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Improve Your Grades: Professional Help for Accounting Students


16. (Objectives 9-6, 9-9) Following are six situations that involve the audit risk model as it is...

(Objectives 9-6, 9-9) Following are six situations that involve the audit risk model as it is used for planning audit evidence requirements in the audit of inventory


a. Explain what low, medium, and high mean for each of the four risks and planned evidence.

b. Fill in the blanks for planned detection risk and planned evidence using the terms low, medium, or high.

c. Using your knowledge of the relationships among the foregoing factors, state the effect on planned evidence (increase or decrease) of changing each of the following five factors, while the other three remain constant:

(1) A decrease in acceptable audit risk

(2) A decrease in control risk

(3) A decrease in planned detection risk

(4) A decrease in inherent risk

(5) A decrease in inherent risk and an increase in control risk of the same amount

(Objective 9-6)


Each of the four risks in the audit risk model is sufficiently important to merit detailed discussion. This section briefly discusses all four to provide an overview of the risks. Acceptable audit risk and inherent risk are discussed in greater detail later in this chapter. Control risk is examined in Chapter 10. Planned detection risk is the risk that audit evidence for a segment will fail to detect misstatements exceeding tolerable misstatement. There are two key points to know about planned detection risk. Planned detection risk is dependent on the other three factors in the model. It will change only if the auditor changes one of the other risk model factors. Planned detection risk determines the amount of substantive evidence that the auditor plans to accumulate, inversely with the size of planned detection risk. If planned detection risk is reduced, the auditor needs to accumulate more evidence to achieve the reduced planned risk. For example, in Table 9-2, planned detection risk (D) is low for inventory and warehousing, which causes planned evidence to be high. The opposite is true for payroll and personnel. In the preceding numerical example, the planned detection risk (PDR) of .05 means the auditor plans to accumulate evidence until the risk of misstatements exceeding tolerable misstatement is reduced to 5 percent. If control risk (CR) were .50 instead of 1.0, planned detection risk (PDR) would be .10, and planned evidence could therefore be reduced. Inherent risk measures the auditor’s assessment of the likelihood that there are material misstatements due to error or fraud in a segment before considering the effectiveness of internal control. If the auditor concludes that a high likelihood of misstatement exists, the auditor will conclude that inherent risk is high. Internal con trols are ignored in setting inherent risk because they are considered separately in the audit risk model as control risk. In Table 9-2, inherent risk (A) was assessed high for acquisi tions and payments and inventory and warehousing and lower for payroll and personnel and capital acquisition and repayment. Such assessments are typically based on discus sions with management, knowledge of the company, and results in audits of previous years. Inherent risk is inversely related to planned detection risk and directly related to evidence. Inherent risk for inventory and warehousing in Table 9-2 is high, which results in a lower planned detection risk and more planned evidence than if inherent risk were lower. We’ll examine this in greater detail later in the chapter. In addition to increasing audit evidence for a higher inherent risk in a given audit area, auditors commonly assign more experienced staff to that area and review the completed audit tests more thoroughly. For example, if inherent risk for inventory obsolescence is extremely high, it makes sense for the CPA firm to assign an experienced staff person to perform more extensive tests for inventory obsolescence and to more carefully review the audit results. Control risk measures the auditor’s assessment of whether misstatements exceeding a tolerable amount in a segment will be prevented or detected on a timely basis by the client’s internal controls. Assume that the auditor concludes that internal controls are completely ineffective to prevent or detect misstatements. That is the likely conclusion for inventory and warehousing (B) in Table 9-2 (p. 260). The auditor will therefore assign a high, perhaps 100 percent, risk factor to control risk. The more effective the internal controls, the lower the risk factor that can be assigned to control risk. The audit risk model shows the close relationship between inherent and control risks. For example, an inherent risk of 40 percent and a control risk of 60 percent affect planned detection risk and planned evidence the same as an inherent risk of 60 percent and a control risk of 40 percent. In both cases, multiplying IR by CR results in a de - nominator in the audit risk model of 24 percent. The combination of inherent risk and control risk is referred to in auditing standards as the risk of material misstatement. The auditor may make a combined assessment of the risk of material misstatement or the auditor can separately assess inherent risk and control risk. (Remember, inherent risk is the expectation of misstatements before considering the effect of internal control.) As with inherent risk, the relationship between control risk and planned detection risk is inverse, whereas the relationship between control risk and substantive evidence is direct. If the auditor concludes that internal controls are effective, planned detection risk can be increased and evidence therefore decreased. The auditor can increase planned detection risk when controls are effective because effective internal controls reduce the likelihood of misstatements in the financial statements. Before auditors can set control risk less than 100 percent, they must obtain an understanding of internal control, evaluate how well it should function based on the understanding, and test the internal controls for effectiveness. Obtaining an under - standing of internal control is required for all audits. The latter two are assessment of control risk steps that are required only when the auditor assesses control risk below maximum. Auditors of larger public companies choose to rely extensively on controls because they must test the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting to satisfy Sarbanes–Oxley Act requirements. Auditors of other companies and other types of entities are also likely to rely on controls that are effective, especially when day-to-day trans action processing involves highly automated procedures. When controls are likely to be ineffective and inherent risk is high, the use of the audit risk model causes the auditor to decrease planned detection risk and thereby increase planned evidence. We devote the entire next chapter to understanding internal control, assessing control risk, and evaluating their impact on evidence requirements. Acceptable audit risk is a measure of how willing the auditor is to accept that the financial statements may be materially misstated after the audit is completed and an unqualified opinion has been issued. When auditors decide on a lower acceptable audit risk, they want to be more certain that the financial statements are not materially mis - stated. Zero risk is certainty, and a 100 percent risk is complete uncertainty. Complete assurance (zero risk) of the accuracy of the financial statements is not economically practical. Moreover, as we discussed in Chapter 6, the auditor cannot guarantee the complete absence of material misstatements. Often, auditors refer to the term audit assurance (also called overall assurance or level of assurance) instead of acceptable audit risk. Audit assurance or any of the equiva - lent terms is the complement of acceptable audit risk, that is, one minus acceptable audit risk. In other words, acceptable audit risk of 2 percent is the same as audit assurance of 98 percent. The concept of acceptable audit risk can be more easily understood by thinking in terms of a large number of audits, say, 10,000. What portion of these audits can include material misstatements without having an adverse effect on society? Certainly, the portion is below 10 percent. It is probably much closer to 1 percent or less. If an auditor believes that the appropriate percentage is 1 percent, then acceptable audit risk should be set at 1 percent, or perhaps lower, based on the specific circumstances. When employing the audit risk model, there is a direct relationship between acceptable audit risk and planned detection risk, and an inverse relationship between acceptable audit risk and planned evidence. If the auditor decides to reduce acceptable audit risk, planned detection risk is thereby reduced, and planned evidence must be increased. For a client with lower acceptable audit risk, auditors also often assign more experienced staff or review the audit files more extensively. There are important distinctions in how the auditor assesses the four risk factors in the audit risk model. For acceptable audit risk, the auditor decides the risk the CPA firm is willing to take that the financial statements are misstated after the audit is completed, based on certain client related factors. An example of a client where the auditor will accept very little risk (low acceptable audit risk) is for an initial public offering. We will discuss factors affecting acceptable audit risk shortly. Inherent risk and control risk are based on auditors’ expectations or predictions of client conditions. An example of a high inherent risk is inventory that has not been sold for two years. An example of a low control risk is adequate separation of duties between asset custody and accounting. The auditor cannot change these client conditions, but can only make a likelihood assessment. Inherent risk factors are discussed later in the chapter and control risk is covered in Chapter 10. Detection risk is dependent completely on the other three risks. It can be determined only after the auditor assesses the other three risks.

(Objective 9-9)


Figure 9-5 summarizes factors that determine each of the risks, the effect of the three component risks on the determination of planned detection risk, and the relationship of all four risks to planned audit evidence. “D” in the figure indicates a direct relationship between a component risk and planned detection risk or planned evidence. “I” indicates an inverse relationship. For example, an increase in acceptable audit risk results in an increase in planned detection risk (D) and a decrease in planned audit evidence (I). Compare Figure 9-5 to Table 9-2 (p. 260) and observe that these two illustrations include the same concepts. Auditors respond to risk primarily by changing the extent of testing and types of audit procedures, including incorporating unpredictability in the audit procedures used. In addition to modifying audit evidence, there are two other ways that auditors can change the audit to respond to risks

1. The engagement may require more experienced staff. CPA firms should staff all engagements with qualified staff. For low acceptable audit risk clients, special care is appropriate in staffing, and the importance of professional skepticism should be emphasized. Similarly, if an audit area such as inventory has a high inherent risk, it is important to assign that area to someone with experience in auditing inventory.

2. The engagement will be reviewed more carefully than usual. CPA firms need to ensure adequate review of the audit files that document the auditor’s planning, evidence accumulation and conclusions, and other matters in the audit. When acceptable audit risk is low, more extensive review is often warranted, including a review by personnel who were not assigned to the engagement. If the risk of material misstatement (the combination of inherent risk and control risk) is high for certain accounts, the reviewer will likely spend more time making sure the evidence was appropriate and correctly evaluated. Neither control risk nor inherent risk is assessed for the overall audit. Instead, both control risk and inherent risk are assessed for each cycle, each account within a cycle, and some - times even each audit objective for the account. The assessments are likely to vary on the same audit from cycle to cycle, account to account, and objective to objective. For example, internal controls may be more effective for inventory-related accounts than for those related to fixed assets. Control risk will therefore be lower for inventory than for fixed assets. Factors affecting inherent risk, such as susceptibility to misappropriation of assets and routineness of the transactions, are also likely to differ from account to account. For that reason, it is normal to have inherent risk vary for different accounts in the same audit.

Acceptable audit risk is ordinarily assessed by the auditor during planning and held constant for each major cycle and account. Auditors normally use the same acceptable audit risk for each segment because the factors affecting acceptable audit risk are related to the entire audit, not individual accounts. For example, the extent to which external users’ decisions rely upon financial statements is usually related to the overall financial statements, not just one or two accounts. In some cases, however, a lower acceptable audit risk may be more appropriate for one account than for others. If an auditor decided to use a medium acceptable audit risk for the audit as a whole, the auditor might decide to reduce acceptable audit risk to low for inventory if inventory is used as collateral for a short-term loan. Some auditors use the same acceptable audit risk for all segments based on their belief that at the end of the audit, financial statement users should have the same level of assurance for every segment of the financial statements. Other auditors use a different level of assurance for different segments based on their belief that financial statement users may be more concerned about certain account balances relative to other accounts in a given audit. For illustrations in this and subsequent chapters, we use the same acceptable audit risk for all segments in the audit. Note, however, that changing the risk for different segments is also acceptable. Like control risk and inherent risk, planned detection risk and required audit evidence will vary from cycle to cycle, account to account, or objective to objective. This conclusion should not be surprising. As the circumstances of each engagement differ, the extent and nature of evidence needed will depend on the unique circum - stances. For example, inventory might require extensive testing on an engagement because of weak internal controls and the auditor’s concerns about obsolescence resulting from techno logical changes in the industry. On the same engagement, accounts receiv able may require little testing because of effective internal controls, fast collection of receivables, excellent relationships between the client and customers, and good audit results in previous years. Similarly, for a given audit of inventory, an auditor may assess a higher inherent risk of a realizable value misstatement because of the higher potential for obsolescence but a low inherent risk of a classification misstate ment because there is only purchased inventory. Although it is common in practice to assess inherent and control risks for each balancerelated audit objective, it is not common to allocate materiality to those objectives. Auditors are able to effectively associate most risks with different objectives, and it is reasonably easy to determine the relationship between a risk and one or two objectives. For example, obso - lescence in inventory is unlikely to affect any objective other than realizable value. It is more difficult to decide how much of the materiality allocated to a given account should in turn be allocated to one or two objectives. Therefore, most auditors do not attempt to do so. One major limitation in the application of the audit risk model is the difficulty of measuring the components of the model. Despite the auditor’s best efforts in planning, the assessments of acceptable audit risk, inherent risk, and control risk, and therefore planned detection risk, are highly subjective and are only approximations of reality. Imagine, for example, attempting to precisely assess inherent risk by determining the impact of factors such as the misstatements discovered in prior years’ audits and tech - nology changes in the client’s industry. To offset this measurement problem, many auditors use broad and subjective measurement terms, such as low, medium, and high. As Table 9-4 shows, auditors can use this information to decide on the appropriate amount and types of evidence to accumulate. For example, in situation 1, the auditor has decided on a high acceptable audit risk for an account or objective. The auditor has concluded a low risk of misstate - ment in the financial statements exists and that internal controls are effective. Therefore, a high planned detection risk is appropriate. As a result, a low level of evidence is needed. Situation 3 is at the opposite extreme. If both inherent and control risks are

high and the auditor wants a low acceptable audit risk, considerable evidence is required. The other three situations fall between these two extremes. It is equally difficult to measure the amount of evidence implied by a given planned detection risk. A typical audit program intended to reduce detection risk to the planned level is a combination of several audit procedures, each using a different type of evidence which is applied to different audit objectives. Auditors’ measurement methods are too imprecise to permit an accurate quantitative measure of the combined evidence. Instead, auditors subjectively evaluate whether sufficient appropriate evidence has been planned to satisfy a planned detection risk of low, medium, or high. Presumably, measurement methods are sufficient to permit an auditor to determine whether more or different types of evidence are needed to satisfy a low planned detection risk than for medium or high. Considerable professional judgment is needed to decide how much more. In applying the audit risk model, auditors are concerned about both over-auditing and under-auditing. Most auditors are more concerned about the latter, as underauditing exposes the CPA firm to legal liability and loss of professional reputation. Because of the concern to avoid under-auditing, auditors typically assess risks con - servatively. For example, an auditor might not assess either control risk or inherent risk below .5 even when the likelihood of misstatement is low. In these audits, a low risk might be .5, medium .8, and high 1.0, if the risks are quantified. Auditors develop various types of decision aids to help link judgments affecting audit evidence with the appropriate evidence to accumulate. One such worksheet is included in Figure 9-6 (p. 272) for the audit of accounts receivable for Hillsburg Hardware Co. The eight balance-related audit objectives introduced in Chapter 6 are included in the columns at the top of the worksheet. Rows one and two are acceptable audit risk and inherent risk. Tolerable misstatement is included at the bottom of the worksheet. The engagement in-charge, Fran Moore, made the following decisions in the audit of Hillsburg Hardware Co.:

Tolerable misstatement. The preliminary judgment about materiality was set at $442,000 (approximately 6 percent of earnings from operations of $7,370,000). She allocated $265,000 to the audit of accounts receivable (see page 255).

• Acceptable audit risk. Fran assessed acceptable audit risk as medium because the company is publicly traded, but is in good financial condition, and has high management integrity. Although Hillsburg is a publicly traded company, its stock is not widely held or extensively followed by financial analysts.

• Inherent risk. Fran assessed inherent risk as medium for existence and cutoff because of concerns over revenue recognition. Fran also assessed inherent risk as medium for realizable value. In past years, audit adjustments to the allowance for uncollectible accounts were made because it was found to be understated. Inherent risk was assessed as low for all other objectives.

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