Accounting Revision questions for college students-winter

Accounting Revision questions for college students-winter
Published: 1 year ago

Accounting Revision questions for college students-winter


26. 1) What is the first step in the recruitment and selection process? A) performing initial screening.

1) What is the first step in the recruitment and selection process?

A) performing initial screening interviews

B) building a pool of candidates

C) performing candidate background checksD) deciding what positions to fill


2) Which of the following terms refers to the background investigations, tests, and physical exams that firms use to identify viable candidates for a job?

A) selection tools

B) job analysis methods

C) personnel techniques

D) forecasting tools


3) ________ is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them.

A) Recruitment

B) Selection

C) Job analysis

D) Personnel planning

4) Marcus, an HR manager for Samsung, must decide what positions the firm should fill in the next six months., which means Marcus is currently working on ________.

A) screening job candidates

B) personnel planning

C) interviewing job candidates

D) writing job descriptions


5) The process of deciding how to fill executive positions at a firm is known as ________.

A) internal recruiting

B) succession planning

C) long-term forecasting

D) advanced interviewing

6) A firm’s ________ should guide employment planning and determine the types of skills and competencies the firm needs.

A) job analysis

B) organization chart

C) marketing plan

D) strategic plan

7) Employment planning requires making forecasts of three elements: the supply of inside candidates, the likely supply of outside candidates, and ________.

A) personnel needs

B) job specifications

C) global trends

D) labor relations


8) Which of the following terms refers to studying a firm’s past employment needs over a period of years to predict future needs?

A) ratio analysis

B) trend analysis

C) graphical analysis

D) computer analysis


9) A trend analysis is limited in its usefulness because it ________.

A) overlooks the passage of time in regards to staffing

B) addresses only the financial impact of employment changes

C) assumes constant increases in worker productivity

D) overlooks how changes in sales volume affect staffing

10) Which of the following determines future staff needs by using ratios between a causal factor and the number of employees required?

A) ratio analysis

B) forecasting ratio

C) personnel ratio

D) ratio matrix

27. The unadjusted trial balance of the FastForward Company as of December 31, 2017 is found on the...

The unadjusted trial balance of the FastForward Company as of December 31, 2017 is found on the trial balance tab. The following information is required to prepare the necessary adjusting entries for the FastForward Company found in chapter 3.

  • 1) The balance in Prepaid insurance represents a 24-month policy that went into effect on December 1, 2017. Review the unadjusted balance in Prepaid insurance, and prepare the necessary adjusting entry, if any.

  • 2) Based on a physical count, supplies on hand total $8,670. Review the unadjusted balance in Supplies, and prepare the necessary adjusting entry, if any.

  • 3) The equipment is expected to have an 5-year useful life, and be worth about $8,000 at the end of five years. Review the unadjusted balance in Accumulated depreciation, and prepare the necessary adjusting entry to record the monthly depreciation, if any.

  • 4) On December 26, the client paid a $3,000 60-day fee in advance, covering December 27 to February 24. Review the unadjusted balance in Unearned Consulting Revenue, and prepare the necessary adjusting entry, if any.

  • 5) FastForward's employee earns $70 per day for a five-day workweek beginning on Monday and ending on Friday. The employee was last paid on Friday, December 26. Review the unadjusted balance in Salaries expense, and prepare the necessary adjusting entry, if any.

  • 6) In the second week of December, FastForward agreed to provide 30 days of consulting services to a local fitness club for a fixed fee of $2,700. The terms of the initial agreement call for FastForward to provide services from December 12, 2017, through January 10, 2018, or 30 days of service. The club agrees to pay FastForward $2,700 on January 10, 2018, when the service period is complete. Review the unadjusted balance in Consulting revenue, and prepare the necessary adjusting entry, if any.

28. Which of the following are the three principles discussed in the Belmont Report? Respect for...

Which of the following are the three principles discussed in the Belmont Report?

Respect for Persons, Beneficence, Justice

Which of the following is an example of how the Principle of Beneficence can be applied to a study employing human subjects?

Determining that the study has a maximization of benefits and a minimization of risks

All of the following are true regarding the Belmont Report, EXCEPT: The Belmont Report defines and delineates the differences between "Practice" and "Research"

The Belmont Report indicates that it is necessary to rigorously avoid conflicts of interest

A student working on his dissertation plans on interviewing 15 principals in neighboring high schools. The student plans to collect data about the personal experiences the principals have had with disruptive students, This study would be categorized as which type of review?

Full Board Review

Which of the following studies need IRB approval?

Studies collecting data about living individuals.

Which of the following elements must be included in an informed consent?

All foreseeable risks and discomforts

What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) charged with? (There may be more than one correct answer. 

- Protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects. - Assuring that all applicable institutional policies and federal regulations related to research with human subjects are followed. - Reviewing subject recruitment materials and strategies.

The Belmont principle of beneficence requires that.

Potential benefits justify the risks of harm

Which of the following studies is linked most directly to the establishment of the National Research Act in 1974 and ultimately to the Belmont Report and Federal regulations for human subject protection

The Public Health Service Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male

Which of the following is an example of how the principle of beneficence is applied to a study involving human subjects?

Ensuring that risks are reasonable in relationship to anticipated benefits

The researcher’s failure to protect research subjects from deductive disclosure is the primary ethical violation in which of the following studies?

Harvard "Tastes, Ties, and Time (T3)" study (2006-2009)” study

according to the Belmont Report, the moral requirement that there be fair outcomes in the selection of research subjects, expresses the principle of


According to the federal regulations, which of the following studies meets the definition of research with human subjects?

An experiment is proposed on the relationship between gender-related stereotypes in math and the subsequent performance by males and females on math tests

A medical record is an example of

private information

Census data is an example of

Public information

according to the federal regulations, which of the following studies meets the definition of research with human subjects?

a study of twenty 4th grade classrooms in which researchers ask the schools to systematically vary the time of day reading is taught, and collect weekly assessments of reading comprehension for each child over a three-month period.

according to the federal regulations, which of the following studies meets the definition of research with human subjects?

A cognitive psychologist enrolls undergraduate students for a computer-based study about the effect of mood on problem solving behaviors

According to the federal regulations, human subjects are living human beings about whom an investigator obtains data through interaction or intervention with the individual or:

Identifiable private information

In addition to pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates, another subpart of the HHS regulations provides additional protections for which of the following vulnerable populations?


Continuing review of an approved and ongoing protocol

must occur within 12 months of the approval date

which of the following statements about the relationship between an institution and the institution's IRB(s) is correct?

Officials of the institution may overrule an IRB approval

According to the federal regulations, research is eligible for exemption, if

The research falls into one of six categories of research activity described in the regulations.

According to federal regulations, the expedited review process may be used when the study procedures pose

No more than minimal risk and the research activities fall within regulatory categories identified as eligible

The primary purpose of a Certificate of Confidentiality is to

Protect identifiable research info from compelled disclosure

A researcher wants to do a web-based survey of college students to collect information about their sexual behavior and drug use. Direct identifiers will not be collected; however, IP addresses may be present in the data set. Risk of harm should be evaluated by:

Both the magnitude (or severity) and the probability (or likelihood) of harm.

A researcher wishes to study generational differences in coping mechanisms among adults who experienced abuse as children. Adequate measures will be instituted to obtain informed consent and ensure that there is no breach of confidentiality. The most likely additional risk is that some subjects may:

Experience emotional or psychological distress

What statement about risks in social and behavioral sciences research is most accurate:

Risks are specific to time, situation, and culture

according to Subpart D, research with children may be eligible for exemption when

The research involves the use of educational tests

a researcher asks an IRB to waive the requirement for parental permission for a study conducted in schools because the nature of the. Assuming that the basic research design could be approved by the IRB and the school, which of the following requirements must be met before an IRB could waive parental permission

The research must pose no more than minimal risk

29. Kohler Corporation reports the following components of stockholders’ equity on December 31, 2015:

Kohler Corporation reports the following components of stockholders’ equity on December 31, 2015:


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