MGT2220 Principles of Management

MGT2220 Principles of Management
Published: 1 year ago

MGT2220 Principles of Management


26. (Objectives 10-3, 10-5) The following are partial descriptions of internal controls for companies...

(Objectives 10-3, 10-5) The following are partial descriptions of internal controls for companies engaged in the manufacturing business:

1. When Mr. Clark orders materials, he sends a dupli cate purchase order to the receiving department. During the delivery of materials, Mr. Smith, the receiving clerk, records the receipt of shipment on this purchase order and then sends the purchase order to the accounting department, where it is used to record materials purchased and accounts payable. The materials are transported to the storage area by forklifts. The additional purchased quantities are recorded on storage records.

2. Every day, hundreds of employees clock in using time cards at Generous Motors Corporation. The timekeepers collect these cards once a week and deliver them to the computer department, which handles data entry. There, the data on these time cards are entered into the computer. The entered data is used in the preparation of the labor cost distribution records, the payroll journal, and the payroll checks. The treasurer, Mrs. Webber, compares the payroll journal with the payroll checks, signs the checks, and returns them to Mr. Strode, the supervisor of the computer depart - ment. The payroll checks are distributed to the employees by Mr. Strode.

3. The smallest branch of Connor Cosmetics employs Mary Cooper, the branch manager, and her sales assistant, Janet Hendrix. The branch uses a bank account to pay expenses. The account is kept in the name of “Connor Cosmetics—Special Account.” To pay expenses, checks must be signed by Mary Cooper or by the treasurer, John Winters. Cooper receives the cancelled checks and bank statements. She reconciles the branch account herself and files cancelled checks and bank statements in her records. She also periodically prepares reports of cash disbursements and sends them to the home office.

a. List the deficiencies in internal control for each of these situations. To identify the deficiencies, use the methodology that was discussed in this chapter.

b. For each deficiency, state the type(s) of misstatement(s) that is (are) likely to result. Be as specific as possible.

c. How would you improve internal controls for each of the three companies?*

(Objective 10-3)


COSO’s Internal Control—Integrated Framework, the most widely accepted internal control framework in the United States, describes five components of internal control that management designs and implements to provide reasonable assurance that its control objectives will be met. Each component contains many controls, but auditors concentrate on those designed to prevent or detect material misstatements in the financial statements. The COSO internal control components include the following: 1. Control environment

2. Risk assessment

3. Control activities

4. Information and communication

5. Monitoring As illustrated in Figure 10-2, the control environment serves as the umbrella for the other four components. Without an effective control environment, the other four are unlikely to result in effective internal control, regardless of their quality

The essence of an effectively controlled organization lies in the attitude of its manage - ment. If top management believes that control is important, others in the organization will sense this commitment and respond by conscientiously observing the controls established. If members of the organization believe that control is not an important concern to top management, it is almost certain that management’s control objectives will not be effectively achieved. The control environment consists of the actions, policies, and procedures that reflect the overall attitudes of top management, directors, and owners of an entity about internal control and its importance to the entity. To understand and assess the control environment, auditors should consider the most important control subcomponents. Integrity and Ethical Values Integrity and ethical values are the product of the entity’s ethical and behavioral standards, as well as how they are communicated and reinforced in practice. They include management’s actions to remove or reduce incentives and temptations that might prompt personnel to engage in dishonest, illegal, or unethical acts. They also include the communication of entity values and behavioral standards to personnel through policy statements, codes of conduct, and by example. Commitment to Competence Competence is the knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish tasks that define an individual’s job. Commitment to competence includes management’s consideration of the competence levels for specific jobs and how those levels translate into requisite skills and knowledge. Board of Director or Audit Committee Participation The board of directors is essential for effective corporate governance because it has ultimate responsibility to make sure management implements proper internal control and financial reporting processes. An effective board of directors is independent of management, and its members stay involved in and scrutinize management’s activities. Although the board delegates responsibility for internal control to management, it must regularly assess these controls. In addition, an active and objective board can reduce the likelihood that management overrides existing controls. To assist the board in its oversight, the board creates an audit committee that is charged with oversight responsibility for financial reporting. The audit committee is also responsible for maintaining ongoing communication with both external and internal auditors, including the approval of audit and nonaudit services done by auditors for public companies. This allows the auditors and directors to discuss matters that might relate to such things as management integrity or the appropriateness of actions taken by management. The audit committee’s independence from management and knowledge of finan - cial reporting issues are important determinants of its ability to effectively evaluate internal controls and financial statements prepared by management. The Sarbanes– Oxley Act directed the SEC to require the national stock exchanges (NYSE and NASDAQ) to strengthen audit committee requirements for public companies listing securities on

the exchanges. In response, the exchanges will not list any security from a company with an audit committee that:

1. Is not comprised solely of independent directors

2. Is not solely responsible for hiring and firing the company’s auditors

3. Does not establish procedures for the receipt and treatment of complaints (e.g., “whistleblowing”) regarding accounting, internal control or auditing matters

4. Does not have the ability to engage its own counsel and other advisors

5. Is inadequately funded Similar provisions exist outside the U.S., such as the European Commission’s 8th Directive that requires each public-interest entity to have an audit committee with at least one member who is independent and who has competence in accounting or auditing. PCAOB Standard 5 requires the auditor to evaluate the effectiveness of the audit com - mittee’s oversight of the company’s external financial reporting and internal control over financial reporting. Many privately held companies also create an effective audit committee. For other privately held companies, governance may be provided by owners, partners, trustees, or a committee of management, such as a finance or budget committee. Individuals responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the entity and the accountability of the entity, including financial reporting and disclosure, are called those charged with governance by auditing standards. Management’s Philosophy and Operating Style Management, through its activities, provides clear signals to employees about the importance of internal control. For example, does management take significant risks, or is it risk averse? Are sales and earnings targets unrealistic, and are employees encouraged to take aggressive actions to meet those targets? Can management be described as “fat and bureaucratic,” “lean and mean,” dominated by one or a few individuals, or is it “just right”? Understanding these and similar aspects of management’s philosophy and operating style gives the auditor a sense of management’s attitude about internal control. Organizational Structure The entity’s organizational structure defines the existing lines of responsibility and authority. By understanding the client’s organizational structure, the auditor can learn the management and functional elements of the business and perceive how controls are implemented. Human Resource Policies and Practices The most important aspect of internal control is personnel. If employees are competent and trustworthy, other controls can be absent, and reliable financial statements will still result. Incompetent or dishonest people can reduce the system to a shambles—even if there are numerous controls in place. Honest, efficient people are able to perform at a high level even when there are few other controls to support them. However, even competent and trustworthy people can have shortcomings. For example, they can become bored or dissatisfied, personal problems can disrupt their performance, or their goals may change. Because of the importance of competent, trustworthy personnel in providing effective control, the methods by which persons are hired, evaluated, trained, promoted, and compensated are an important part of internal control. After obtaining information about each of the subcomponents of the control environment, the auditor uses this understanding as a basis for assessing management’s

(Objective 10-5)


The auditor obtains an understanding of the design and implementation of internal control to make a preliminary assessment of control risk as part of the auditor’s overall assessment of the risk of material misstatements. As described in Chapter 9, the auditor uses this preliminary assessment of control risk to plan the audit for each material class of transactions. However, in some instances the auditor may learn that the control deficiencies are significant such that the client’s financial statements may not be auditable. So, before making a preliminary assessment of control risk for each material class of transactions, the auditor must first decide whether the entity is auditable. Two primary factors determine auditability: the integrity of management and the ade - quacy of accounting records. The importance of management integrity was discussed in Chapter 8 under client acceptance and continuance. If management lacks integrity, most auditors will not accept the engagement. The accounting records are an important source of audit evidence for most audit objectives. If the accounting records are deficient, necessary audit evidence may not be available. For example, if the client has not kept duplicate sales invoices and vendors’ invoices, it is usually impractical to do an audit. In complex IT environments, much of the transaction information is available only in electronic form without generating a visible audit trail of documents and records. In that case, the company is usually still auditable; however, auditors must assess whether they have the necessary skills to gather evidence that is in electronic form and can assign personnel with adequate IT training and experience. After obtaining an understanding of internal control, the auditor makes a preliminary assessment of control risk as part of the auditor’s overall assessment of the risk of material misstatement. This assessment is a measure of the auditor’s expectation that internal controls will prevent material misstatements from occurring or detect and correct them if they have occurred. The starting point for most auditors is the assessment of entity-level controls. By nature, entity-level controls, such as many of the elements contained in the control environment, risk assessment, and monitoring components, have an overarching impact on most major types of transactions in each transaction cycle. For example, an inef - fective board of directors or management’s failure to have any process to identify, assess, or manage key risks, has the potential to undermine controls for most of the transaction-related audit objectives. Thus, auditors generally assess entity-level controls before assessing transaction specific controls. Once auditors determine that entity-level controls are designed and placed in operation, they next make a preliminary assessment for each transaction-related audit objective for each major type of transaction in each transaction cycle. For example, in the sales and collection cycle, the types of transactions usually involve sales, sales returns and allowances, cash receipts, and the provision for and write-off of uncollectible accounts. The auditor also makes the preliminary assessment for controls affecting audit objectives for balance sheet accounts and presentations and disclosures in each cycle.

Many auditors use a control risk matrix to assist in the control risk assessment process at the transaction level. The purpose is to provide a convenient way to organize assessing control risk for each audit objective. Figure 10-5 illustrates the use of a control risk matrix for sales transaction audit objectives of Hillsburg Hardware Co. While Figure 10-5 only illustrates the control risk matrix for transaction-related audit objectives, auditors use a similar control risk matrix format to assess control risk for balance-related and presentation and disclosure-related audit objectives. We now discuss the preparation of the matrix. Identify Audit Objectives The first step in the assessment is to identify the audit objectives for classes of transactions, account balances, and presentation and dis - closure to which the assessment applies. For example, this is done for classes of transactions by applying the specific transaction-related audit objectives introduced earlier, which were stated in general form, to each major type of transaction for the entity. For example, the auditor makes an assessment of the occurrence objective for sales and a separate assessment of the completeness objective. Transaction-related audit objectives are shown for sales transactions for Hillsburg Hardware at the top of Figure 10-5. Identify Existing Controls Next, the auditor uses the information discussed in the previous section on obtaining and documenting an understanding of internal control to identify the controls that contribute to accomplishing transaction-related audit objectives. One way for the auditor to do this is to identify controls to satisfy each objective. For example, the auditor can use knowledge of the client’s system to identify controls that are likely to prevent errors or fraud in the occurrence transaction-related audit objective. The same thing can be done for all other objectives. It is also helpful for the auditor to use the five control activities (separation of duties, proper authorization, adequate documents and records, physical control over assets and records, and independent checks on performance) as reminders of controls. For example: Is there adequate separation of duties and how is it achieved? Are transactions properly authorized? Are prenumbered documents properly accounted for? Are key master files properly restricted from unauthorized access? The auditor should identify and include only those controls that are expected to have the greatest effect on meeting the transaction-related audit objectives. These are often called key controls. The reason for including only key controls is that they will be sufficient to achieve the transaction-related audit objectives and also provide audit efficiency. Examples of key controls for Hillsburg Hardware are shown in Figure 10-5. Associate Controls with Related Audit Objectives Each control satisfies one or more related audit objectives. This can be seen in Figure 10-5 for transaction-related audit objectives. The body of the matrix is used to show how each control contributes to the accomplishment of one or more transaction-related audit objectives. In this illustration, a C was entered in each cell where a control partially or fully satisfied an objective. A similar control risk matrix would be completed for balance-related and presentation and disclosure-related audit objectives. For example, the mailing of state ments to customers satisfies three objectives in the audit of Hillsburg Hardware, which is indicated by the placement of each C on the row in Figure 10-5 describing that control. Identify and Evaluate Control Deficiencies, Significant Deficiencies, and Material Weaknesses Auditors must evaluate whether key controls are absent in the design of internal control over financial reporting as a part of evaluating control risk and the likelihood of financial statement misstatements. Auditing standards define three levels of the absence of internal controls:

1. Control deficiency. A control deficiency exists if the design or operation of controls does not permit company personnel to prevent or detect misstate - ments on a timely basis in the normal course of performing their assigned

functions. A design deficiency exists if a necessary control is missing or not properly designed. An operation deficiency exists if a well-designed control does not operate as designed or if the person performing the control is insufficiently qualified or authorized. 2. Significant deficiency. A significant deficiency exists if one or more control deficiencies exist that is less severe than a material weakness (defined below), but important enough to merit attention by those responsible for oversight of the company’s financial reporting. 3. Material weakness. A material weakness exists if a significant deficiency, by itself, or in combination with other significant deficiencies, results in a reason - able possibility that internal control will not prevent or detect material financial statement misstatements on a timely basis. To determine if a significant internal control deficiency or deficiencies are a material weakness, they must be evaluated along two dimensions: likelihood and significance. The horizontal line in Figure 10-6 depicts the likeli hood of a misstatement resulting from the significant deficiency, while the vertical line depicts its significance. If there is more than a reasonable possibility (likelihood) that a material misstatement (significance) could result from the significant deficiency or deficiencies, then it is considered a material weakness. A five-step approach can be used to identify deficiencies, significant deficiencies, and material weaknesses:

1. Identify existing controls. Because deficiencies and material weaknesses are the absence of adequate controls, the auditor must first know which controls exist. The methods for identifying controls have already been discussed.

2. Identify the absence of key controls. Internal control questionnaires, flow charts, and walkthroughs are useful tools to identify where controls are lacking and the likelihood of misstatement is therefore increased. It is also useful to examine the control risk matrix, such as the one in Figure 10-5 (p. 309), to look for objectives where there are no or only a few controls to prevent or detect misstatements.

3. Consider the possibility of compensating controls. A compensating control is one elsewhere in the system that offsets the absence of a key control. A common example in a small business is the active involvement of the owner. When a compensating control exists, there is no longer a significant deficiency or material weakness.

4. Decide whether there is a significant deficiency or material weakness. The likeli - hood of misstatements and their materiality are used to evaluate if there are significant deficiencies or material weaknesses.

5. Determine potential misstatements that could result. This step is intended to identify specific misstatements that are likely to result because of the significant deficiency or material weakness. The importance of a significant deficiency or material weakness is directly related to the likelihood and materiality of potential misstatements.

27. Rent revenue collected one month in advance should be accounted for as

Rent revenue collected one month in advance should be accounted for as

a. Revenue in the month collected

b. A current liability

c. A separate item in stockholders’ equity

d. An accrued liability

28. A tabular analysis of the transactions made during August 2017 by Wolfe Company during its first...

A tabular analysis of the transactions made during August 2017 by Wolfe Company during its first month of operations is shown below. Each increase and decrease in stockholders’ equity is explained. Instructions

(a) Describe each transaction.

(b) Determine how much stockholders’ equity increased for the month.

(c) Compute the net income for the month.

29. 1. Which of the following manufacturers is most likely to use a job order accounting system? a. a...

1. Which of the following manufacturers is most likely to use a job order accounting system?



a brewery



a ship builder of oil tankers



an oil refinery



a sugar refinery

30. Dexter Company applies the direct write-off method in accounting for uncollectible accounts. Mar...

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