7 Stress Relief Strategies for Finals Week in 2024

7 Stress Relief Strategies for Finals Week in 2024
Published: 1 year ago

7 Stress Relief Strategies for Finals Week in 2024


Ah, finals week—the academic whirlwind that often leaves you feeling like Dorothy in Oz. It is just as Charles Dickens once said, 'It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.

But let’s be real, Dickens probably didn't have finals in mind when he said these famous words. How do we turn this chaotic tornado into the best of times for your semester?

Looking back, I still wonder how the perfectionist in me managed to turn in essays and other assignments in time in high school; and still pass, some.

Well, grab your red shoes, and let's unravel the magic behind the curtain of finals week fire. After this, you will be smiling to the end with A+ grades and enjoying the holidays.

My cardinal rule for handling any type of stress is planning adequately. Walk with me and let me show you how to manage the stress of finals week because there is light at the end of the academic tunnel.

Finals Week Pressure to write essays

I remember my first finals week as a freshman and the mountain of textbooks that were staring at me waiting to be uploaded into my brain as if with a scanner.

Compared to the walk in the park I had in high school, college felt like the deepest sea of stress! Ever found yourself hit writer’s block staring at a blank screen wondering if you just bit off more than you could chew?

Much as I did not want to admit it, college life felt like a psychological battle, and every semester, I felt ill-prepared to face the finals week ultimate trial, until I discovered the hacks I am about to share.

I can tell you for free that the pressure of finals week is nothing short of a marathon! But chin up, don’t all marathons have a finish line?

As a pro runner, I can attest that crossing the finish line is incredibly satisfying! So, lace up your academic sneakers and let us sprint to the finish of the semester. 

A Few Important Things I Figured Out During My Finals Week Crisis

The ultimate secret weapon in your arsenal is staying motivated.

From the moment I wake up, I have discovered that deliberating the mind on good thoughts always sets a positive tone for my day.

I would visualize my goals for the day and week with intensity and had to break free from the morning dread that made my fears appear real.

The fear of failing also clouds student’s judgement and cripples their mental stealth and I only needed to realize this fear was only in my head. 

I unraveled these truths after suffering my first finals week and discovered the strategies I am about to share which paved a stress-resilient academic journal for me henceforth.

Importance of Time Management during the Finals Week

Wouldn’t you agree time is our most elusive friend, especially during finals week? That is why I recommend time management as the secret to standing this test.

A well-formulated to-do list that schedules all deadlines and makes all submissions bow to your command is your best friend to winning the finals week marathon.

7 effective final time management techniques

The idea here is to develop a study sanctuary that helps you make the best of the time you have. I would suggest that you try them out and identify which one works best for you.

Time blocking was always my go-to technique!

1. Pomodoro Technique:

If this sounds like a Greek god, it is because of the power it holds to help you manage the stress of finals week.

It is as simple as breaking down your study time into 25 minutes of deep work with 5-minute breaks after every interval.

Once momentum has set in, you can take longer breaks of up to 30 minutes in the 4th interval but make sure you have a timer at hand to keep the focus.

2. Time Blocking:

This is still my favorite time management hack. It involves allocating specific time blocks to different subjects or tasks such as writing your college essays.

Time blocking is the perfect way to avoid the multitasking myth and ensure you are focused on a task at a time.

3. Prioritize Tasks

Finals week is like the final lap of a marathon and only the finish line should be in your mind, not the pizza on the table nor the end-of-year party!

Writing and handing over your college essays and other assignments in time for grading should top your important and urgent tasks list like your life depends on it; because it does.

The Eisenhower Matrix has proven to be a powerful tool for categorizing tasks as either urgent or important, urgent but not important, important but not urgent, or neither.

4. Create a To-Do List

This might sound cliché but knowing what needs to be done is crucial to managing your seemingly short hours in the finals week.

Since you have already prioritized your tasks, you need to determine what needs to be done before each day ends or before the weekends.

Large tasks like writing the end-of-semester essay should be broken down into small manageable milestones or sought out to essay writing experts for academic help.

Continuously checking off completed tasks will give you a sense of satisfaction that will motivate you to accomplish more tasks.

5. Study Sanctuary

When Jordan Peterson, the sensational psychologist insists that you should start by cleaning your room, he means removing the chaos in your space.

Setting up a harmonious study space such as a well-organized desk or corner of your room declutters your mind to focus.

Eliminating distractions is the goal and personalizing the study area with items that motivate you could also help improve the atmosphere of study.

6. Set SMART Goals

I know we have already come so far into the semester and finals week might be too late to set new goals.

Here is what you can do; with our to-do list at hand, determine some SMART goals to hit during the week (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).

This way, you will be able to track your progress and stay on course to winning the finals week.

7. Learn to Say No

Finals week is the final lap to make or break all the work you have put into the semester. Understanding how important this week is for your best friend to keep you on track.

Not even a trip to Spain should matter more than optimizing this week! You are time short and you cannot afford to go to the movies or engage in chitchats.

Learn to say a stern no to avoid overcommitting and keep your focus on the tasks at hand.

Bonus points

Multitasking is a myth and focusing on one task at a time might just be your best ally to improve concentration and ultimately the quality of your essay while reducing stress significantly.

You need to experiment with what works best for you and adjust accordingly but be consistent with the technique you decide to go with.

Balance Study and Self-Care during the finals week

This sounds like juggling with eggs, right? But taking care of yourself while being productive is quite easy to achieve.

Fueling Your Brain: Nutrition Tips for Exam Success

Ever tried to write an essay on an empty stomach? It's a bit like trying to drive a car with no fuel. Let’s talk about the brain-food connection and how the right nutrition can boost your cognitive abilities during finals week.

From superfoods to hydration hacks, we'll ensure your brain is fueled and ready for academic victory. Ready to nourish your mind and conquer those essays?"

The Power of Peer Support: Forming Study Groups

Studying solo during finals week can be lonely and overwhelming so why not collaborate with your classmates and turn this into a team expedition?

Study groups are equivalent to your academic team of Avengers! They are the perfect space to discuss ideas, share knowledge, and support each other to bear and enjoy the hell week.

Realizing Finals Week Excellence with Essay Writing Services

Essay writing is seemingly the Mount Everest of finals week but you can easily become the fearless essay-writing maestro!

Besides study groups, you also need literary sidekicks like grammar checkers and plagiarism-detecting tools.

You don’t however need a toolbox the size of Hogwarts and become the Shakespeare of essay writing.

If this sounds all too overwhelming to you, professional essay writing service providers are your unsung heroes who have mastered the art of essay writing and editing for your sake.

With the finesse of a master chef, these experts hold the recipes to preparing gourmet essays with every section carrying the weight of academic brilliance.

This is a market of seasoned writers in every subject who offer affordable assistance with your final essays. I know this sounds too good to be true but it is a perfect way to elevate your final grade to triumph!

Why use professional essay writing services?

The ingredients of finals week are submitting high-quality assignments on time.

Professional essay writers offer unique, high-quality, and timely submissions for your work.

There exists a plethora of essay writing service providers and you only need to identify those reviewed for delivering on your majors.

These are the equivalent of your academic ally who walks with you to the end like a shadow while maintaining professionalism and discretion of your information.

Stress Management During Finals Week

Finals week is no doubt the most stressful week of the semester but you can skillfully trade this for serene calm and confidence.

Stress-busting techniques might sound cliché but exercises like deep breathing will help keep the stress at bay.

Why We Need to Manage College Stress

As a freshman, I barely realized my classmates were drowning in the same boat as me in the stress of our first college finals week.

I was determined to figure a way out and I found myself researching psychology, time, and stress management which is how I discovered these strategies that pulled me through the academic storms.

Signs of Stress that are Easy to Ignore during finals week

Psychologists warn that stress can masquerade as emotional distress and this is what you need to look out for as you approach finals week or during this moment of truth.

Watch out for the following

  • Tension in your muscles especially behind the neck,

  • Sudden variations in appetite, or

  • Agitation in your mind. 

These could signal the shadows of finals week casting on your thoughts.

Being self-aware will help you mitigate the storm before it is full-blown.

Addressing them beforehand will help you sail through the finals week almost effortlessly.

Effects of Stress You Are Not Going to Like

The mental overload triggered by the stress of finals week makes the whole period so uncomfortable that focusing becomes a daunting task.

The most immediate reaction is procrastination and that is how you end up scrolling endlessly through social media to escape reality but this further amplifies the distress.

The worst-case scenario is when you develop chronic stress. This villain in your story could potentially cause you long-term problems like prolonged mental health issues.

But chin up, here is the lifeline you need, I have just shared the magic bullet to break free from this cycle of finals week stress!

Stress Management Strategies and Activities That Helped Me Personally

Scheduling my days throughout finals week was my hack to create order from the demanding chaos of the season.

I would prioritize assignments to be submitted, leave room for rest, and acknowledge tasks that were not as urgent.

Sometimes, keeping everything in my head felt overwhelming so I learned that using sticky notes shielded me against this risk.

When the pressure was unbearable, I would walk around for some fresh air and take short deliberate breaks to temporarily escape the study bubble.

Finally, I discovered the power of study groups and how facing the week together was such a game-changer helping us survive and thrive through the stress of finals week.


Thank you for coming this far and grasping this ultimate guide to navigating the stress of finals week by managing time, a dash of self-care, and professional essay writing support for good measure.

I wouldn’t sugarcoat this, but college finals week is the final lap of a marathon. With the right stress management strategies, support, and a dash of motivation, you will easily conquer the week and pave an upward and onward future of academic triumph.

Besides, it is not the load that could break your back but the way you carry it, I hope you carry these stress management tips throughout your academic journey.

In the face of finals week stress, there is always a haven in seeking professional essay writing assistance. The best of times awaits!


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