Master Accounting Modules with Premier Assistance

Master  Accounting Modules with Premier Assistance
Published: 11 months ago

Master Accounting Modules with Premier Assistance


12. (Objectives 24-4, 24-8) The field work for the June 30, 2011, audit of Tracy Brewing Company was...

(Objectives 24-4, 24-8) The field work for the June 30, 2011, audit of Tracy Brewing Company was finished August 19, 2011, and the completed financial statements, accom - panied by the signed audit reports, were mailed September 6, 2011. In each of the highly material independent events (a through i), state the appropriate action (1 through 4) for the situation and justify your response. The alternative actions are as follows:

1. Adjust the June 30, 2011, financial statements.

2. Disclose the information in a footnote in the June 30, 2011, financial statements.

3. Request the client to recall the June 30, 2011, statements for revision.

4. No action is required.

The events are as follows:

a. On December 14, 2011, the auditor discovered that a debtor of Tracy Brewing went bankrupt on July 15, 2011, due to declining financial health. The sale had taken place January 15, 2011.

b. On December 14, 2011, the auditor discovered that a debtor of Tracy Brewing went bankrupt on October 2, 2011. The sale had taken place April 15, 2011, but the amount appeared collectible at June 30, 2011, and August 19, 2011.

c. On August 15, 2011, the auditor discovered that a debtor of Tracy Brewing went bankrupt on August 1, 2011. The most recent sale had taken place April 2, 2010, and no cash receipts had been received since that date.

d. On August 6, 2011, the auditor discovered that a debtor of Tracy Brewing went bank - rupt on July 30, 2011. The cause of the bankruptcy was an unexpected loss of a major law suit on July 15, 2011, resulting from a product deficiency suit by a different customer.

e. On August 6, 2011, the auditor discovered that a debtor of Tracy Brewing went bank - rupt on July 30, 2011, for a sale that took place July 3, 2011. The cause of the bankruptcy was a major uninsured fire on July 20, 2011.

f . On July 20, 2011, Tracy Brewing settled a lawsuit out of court that had originated in 2008 and is currently listed as a contingent liability.

g. On September 14, 2011, Tracy Brewing lost a court case that had originated in 2010 for an amount equal to the lawsuit. The June 30, 2011, footnotes state that in the opinion of legal counsel there will be a favorable settlement.

h. On July 20, 2011, a lawsuit was filed against Tracy Brewing for a patent infringement action that allegedly took place in early 2011. In the opinion of legal counsel, there is a danger of a significant loss to the client.

i . On May 31, 2011, the auditor discovered an uninsured lawsuit against Tracy Brewing that had originated on February 28, 2011.

(Objective 24-4)


The third part of completing the audit included in the sidebar is the review for subse - quent events. The auditor must review transactions and events that occurred after the balance sheet date to determine whether any of these transactions or events affect the fair presentation or disclosure of the current period statements. The auditing procedures required by auditing standards to verify these transactions and events are commonly called the review for subsequent events or post-balance-sheet review. The auditor’s responsibility for reviewing subsequent events is normally limited to the period beginning with the balance sheet date and ending with the date of the auditor’s report. Because the date of the auditor’s report corresponds to the completion of the important auditing procedures in the client’s office, the subsequent events review should be completed near the end of the audit.1 Figure 24-3 shows the period covered by a subsequent events review and the timing of that review

Two types of subsequent events require consideration by management and evaluation by the auditor: those that have a direct effect on the financial statements and require adjustment of the current year’s financial statement amounts and those that have no direct effect on the financial statement amounts but for which disclosure is required. Those That Have a Direct Effect on the Financial Statements and Require Adjustment Some events that occur after the balance sheet date provide additional information to management that helps them determine the fair presentation of account balances as of the balance sheet date. Information about those events helps auditors in verifying the balances. For example, if the auditor is having difficulty determining the correct valuation of inventory because of obsolescence, the sale of raw material inven - tory as scrap in the subsequent period will indicate the correct value of the inventory as of the balance sheet date. Subsequent period events, such as the following, require an adjustment of account balances in the current year’s financial statements if the amounts are material:

• Declaration of bankruptcy by a customer with an outstanding accounts receivable balance because of the customer’s deteriorating financial condition

• Settlement of litigation at an amount different from the amount recorded on the books

• Disposal of equipment not being used in operations at a price below the current book value

• Sale of investments at a price below recorded cost When subsequent events are used to evaluate the amounts included in the yearend financial statements, auditors must distinguish between conditions that existed at the balance sheet date and those that came into being after the end of the year. The subsequent information should not be incorporated directly into the statements if the conditions causing the change in valuation took place after year-end. For example, assume one type of a client’s inventory suddenly becomes obsolete because of a technology change after the balance sheet date. The sale of the inventory at a loss in the subsequent period is not relevant in the valuation of inventory for obsolescence in this case. Auditors of accelerated filer public companies must inquire about and consider any information about subsequent events that materially affects the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of the end of the fiscal period. If auditors conclude that the events reflect a material weakness that existed at year-end, they must give an adverse opinion on internal control over financial reporting. If they are unable to determine the effect of the subsequent event on the effectiveness of internal control, they must disclaim their opinion on internal control.

Those That Do Not Have a Direct Effect on the Financial Statements but for Which Dis closure Is Required Subsequent events of this type provide evidence of conditions that did not exist at the date of the balance sheet being reported on but are so significant that they require disclosure even though they do not require account adjustment. Ordinarily, these events can be adequately disclosed by the use of footnotes, but occasionally, one may be so significant as to require disclosure in supplemental financial statements that include the effect of the event as if it had occurred on the balance sheet date. An example is an extremely material merger. Events or transactions occurring in the subsequent period that may require dis - closure rather than an adjustment in the financial statements include:

• A decline in the market value of securities held for temporary investment or resale

• The issuance of bonds or equity securities

• A decline in the market value of inventory as a consequence of government action barring further sale of a product

• The uninsured loss of inventories as a result of fire

• A merger or an acquisition Auditors of accelerated filer public companies may also identify events related to internal control over financial reporting that arose subsequent to year-end. If the auditor determines that these subsequent events have a material effect on the company’s internal control over financial reporting, the auditor’s report must include an explanatory para - graph either describing the event and its effect or directing the reader to a disclosure in management’s report on internal control of the event and its effect. There are two categories of audit procedures for the subsequent events review: 1. Procedures normally integrated as a part of the verification of year-end account balances

2. Procedures performed specifically for the purpose of discovering events or trans - actions that must be recognized as subsequent events The first category includes cutoff and valuation tests done as a part of the tests of details of balances. For example, auditors examine subsequent period sales and acquisition transactions to determine whether the cutoff is accurate. Auditors also test the collecti - bility of accounts receivable by reviewing subsequent period cash receipts to evaluate the valuation of the allowance for uncollectible accounts. Procedures for cutoff and valuation have been discussed sufficiently in preceding chapters and are not repeated here. The second category of tests are performed specifically to obtain information to incorporate into the current year’s account balances or footnotes as tests of the complete - ness presentation and disclosure objective. These tests include the following: Review Records Prepared Subsequent to the Balance Sheet Date Auditors should review journals and ledgers to determine the existence and nature of significant transactions related to the current year. If journals are not kept up-to-date, auditors should review documents that will be used to prepare the journals. Auditors of public companies that are accelerated filers must inquire about and examine statements issued during the subsequent events review period, such as relevant internal audit reports and regulatory agency reports on the company’s internal control over financial reporting. Review Internal Statements Prepared Subsequent to the Balance Sheet Date In the review, auditors should emphasize changes in the business compared to results for the same period in the year under audit and changes after year-end. They should pay careful attention to major changes in the business or environment in which the client is operating. Auditors should discuss the interim statements with manage ment to determine whether they are prepared on the same basis as the current period statements, and also inquire about significant changes in the operating results. Examine Minutes Issued Subsequent to the Balance Sheet Date Auditors must examine the minutes of stockholders and directors meetings subsequent to the balance sheet date for subsequent events affecting the current period financial statements. Correspond with Attorneys As discussed earlier in the chapter, auditors correspond with attorneys as a part of the search for contingent liabilities. Auditors normally request the attorney to date and mail the letter as of the expected completion date of field work to fulfill the auditors’ responsibility for subsequent events. Inquire of Management Inquiries vary from client to client, but normally include significant changes in the assets or capital structure of the company after the balance sheet date, the current status of items that were not completely resolved at the balance sheet date, and unusual adjustments made subsequent to the balance sheet date. Public company auditors must also include inquiries of management about any changes in internal control over financial reporting made subsequent to the end of the fiscal period. Inquiries of management about subsequent events must be done with appropriate client personnel to obtain meaningful answers. For example, it is not useful for the auditor to discuss tax or union matters with an accounts receivable supervisor. Depending on the information desired, auditors usually make inquiries of the controller, vice presidents, and the president. Obtain a Letter of Representation The letter of representation written by the client’s management to the auditor formalizes statements made by management about different matters throughout the audit, including discussions about subsequent events. This letter is mandatory and includes other relevant matters. This letter is discussed in the following section. Occasionally, the auditor determines that a subsequent event that affects the current period financial statements occurred after the field work was completed but before the audit report was issued. The source of such information is typically management or the media. For example, what if an audit client acquired another company after the auditor’s last day of field work? Using the dates in Figure 24-3 on page 765, assume the acquisi - tion occurred on March 23, when the last day of field work was March 11. In that situation, auditing standards require the auditor to extend audit tests for the newly discovered subsequent event to make sure that it is correctly disclosed. The auditor has two equally acceptable options for expanding subsequent events tests: 1. Expand all subsequent events tests to the new date 2. Restrict the subsequent events review to matters related to the new subsequent event For the first option, auditors simply change the audit report date to the new date. For the second option, the auditor issues a dual-dated audit report, meaning that the audit report includes two dates: the first date for the completion of field work, except for the specific exception, and the second date, which is always later, for the exception. In the example, assume the auditor returned to the client’s premises to perform audit tests pertaining only to the acquisition and completes those tests on March 31. The audit report will be dualdated as follows: March 11, 2012, except for note 17, as to which the date is March 31, 2012.

(Objective 24-8)


After the auditor issues the audit report and completes all communications with manage ment and the audit committee, the audit is finished. Usually, the next major contact between the auditor and client occurs when the planning process of the next year’s audit begins. Although it rarely happens, auditors sometimes learn after the audited financial statements have been issued that the financial statements are materially misstated. Examples are the inclusion of material nonexistent sales, the failure to write off obsolete inventory, or the omission of an essential footnote. When this subsequent discovery of facts occurs, the auditor has an obligation to make certain that users who are relying on the financial statements are informed about the misstatements. (If the auditor had known about the misstatements before the audit report was issued, the auditor would have insisted that management correct the misstatements or, alternatively, a different audit report would have been issued.) It does not matter whether the failure to discover the misstatement was the fault of the auditor or the client. In either case, the auditor’s responsibility remains the same. Although subsequent discovery of facts is not part of completing the audit, it is included in this chapter because it is easier to understand in this context. If the auditor discovers that the statements are misleading after they have been issued, the most desirable action is to request that the client issue an immediate revision of the financial statements that includes an explanation of the reasons for the revision. If a subsequent period’s financial statements are completed before the revised statements would be issued, it is acceptable to disclose the misstatements in the subsequent period’s statements. When pertinent, the client should inform the SEC and other regulatory agencies of the misstated financial statements. The auditor is responsible to make certain that the client has taken the appropriate steps to inform users of the misstated statements. If the client refuses to disclose the misstated statements, the auditor must inform the board of directors. The auditor must also notify regulatory agencies having juris - diction over the client that the statements are no longer fairly stated and also, when practical, each person who relies on the financial statements. If the stock is publicly held, it is acceptable to request the SEC and the stock exchange to notify stockholders. The subsequent discovery of facts requiring the recall or reissuance of financial statements arises only from business events that existed before the date of the auditor’s report. For example, a revision of the financial statements is not required if an account receivable is believed to be collectible after an adequate review of the facts at the date of the audit report, but the customer subsequently files bankruptcy. If the customer had filed for bankruptcy before the audit report date, however, there is a subsequent discovery of facts. The auditor’s responsibility for subsequent events review ends on the date of the completion of the field work. Auditors have no responsibility to search for subsequent facts, but if they discover that issued financial statements are incorrectly stated, they must take action to correct them. In most cases, subsequent discovery of facts occurs when auditors discover a material misstatement in issued financial statements during the subsequent year’s audit, or when the client reports a misstatement to the auditor. Figure 24-9 illustrates the periods covered by the review for subsequent events, pro cessing the financial statements, and subsequent discovery of facts after the audit report date. As you review the figure, note that auditors have no responsibility to review subse quent events after the audit report date. If auditors discover subsequent

facts after the audit report date (3-11-12), but before the financial statements are issued (3-26-12), they will require that the financial statements be revised before they are issued. Auditors will also follow one of the two options discussed in the “Dual Dating” section, page 767.

13. Daryl Kirby opened Squid Realty Co. on January 1, 2013. At the end of the first year, the business...

Ethics and professional conduct in business

Daryl Kirby opened Squid Realty Co. on January 1, 2013. At the end of the first year, the business needed additional capital. On behalf of Squid Realty Co., Daryl applied to Ocean National Bank for a loan of $375,000. Based on Squid Realty Co.'s financial statements, which had been prepared on a cash basis, the Ocean National Bank loan officer rejected the loan as too risky.

After receiving the rejection notice, Daryl instructed his accountant to prepare the financial statements on an accrual basis. These statements included $65,000 in accounts receivable and $25,000 in accounts payable. Daryl then instructed his accountant to record an additional $30,000 of accounts receivable for commissions on property for which a contract had been signed on December 28, 2013. The title to the property is to transfer on January 5, 2014, when an attorney formally records the transfer of the property to the buyer. Daryl then applied for a $375,000 loan from Free Spirit Bank, using the revised financial statements. On this application, Daryl indicated that he had not previously been rejected for credit. Discuss the ethical and professional conduct of Daryl Kirby in applying for the loan from Free Spirit Bank.

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