How to write an appendix, the structure, and format

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Published: 5 years ago

How to write an appendix, the structure, and format


 What is an appendix?

 It is additional information provided at the end of a document with the citations as the main text. It is used to provide the audience with extra information on the research topic. Sometimes the placement of the appendix can be suggested by your professor. An appendix is placed at the end of the document because it includes additional details that may not be useful to all the audience.

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  Essential information you need to know:   

  • You can have more than one appendix.

  • Each  an appendix must be  labeled- you can choose to use  letters ( Appendix A, B, C, D…) you can also  use numbers (1, 2, 3, 4)

  • Each appendix should address a specific   topic

  • Each appendix must have a title

  • Each appendix must appear on a fresh page with a page number

  • The title of the appendix should be centered -label the appendix first then write the title just below.

What to include in an appendix

 Appendices vary depending on the need. However, there are a variety of things you can include in an appendix   they include

  • Charts and graphs

  • Diagrams, drawings, and maps

  • Website links

  • Texts of paragraphs

  • Photos and in illustrations

  • Research instrument used

Format of an appendix

Title of the appendix

  Ensure your appendix is labeled- you can use numbers or letters, for example, your first appendix should be named as appendix A.  It is essential to know if you have only one appendix you do not need to label it called it appendix. Another vital detail is that you can capitalize your appendix title or use sentence case. Lastly, ensure your appendix label and the title is centered.

 Order of content

  As mentioned earlier, each appendix should address a specific topic. Ensure you order you are an appendix in such a way that it does not confuse your audience. If you are providing extra information about a diagram on page one. Ensure the information is presented in your first appendix.

Page numbers and placement of the appendix

 Typically the appendices appear at the end of the document. However, if your lecturer instructs you otherwise ensure you obey. Each appendix should have a page number. Ensure you use the same numbering format or style as used in the main body of your paper.

 In case you need a sample or  further guidance on how to  write an appendix  feel  free  to contact  us  at  we offer excellent academic writing and tutoring services at an affordable price. The website is recognized across the world.   Our support team is available 24/7- you can contact us any time any day. Our support and customer care services are exceptional.   Register with us at now and start your exciting journey in achieving your academic aspirations.









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