How to deal with a break up in college

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Published: 5 years ago

How to deal with a break up in college


Coping with a break up has not been easy for anyone, there are emotions involved, and maybe a lot of time has been invested in that relationship. However, the reality is, breakups are there, and you might find yourself having several relationships before you find “the one.” Dealing with a breakup when you are in college can be overwhelming as you might not be close to your support system,-which could be your family.   Do not let your heart trouble. This article provides you with useful tips on how to deal with a break up in college.

Cut off any communication with your ex.

  After quitting from the relationship, it is imperative you delete any form of communication from your ex this is the first step to start forgetting about him/her. On the same note, some people react by posting, hateful comments in their timeline directed to you, which might cause you more harm than good.

 Do not feel obligated to tell of your personal life to anyone.

   You might not be able to hide your feelings to everyone; most friends will notice that you are upset. Keep your personal life locked.  You are under no obligation to explain yourself to everyone.   Share your feeling with someone you trust only. 

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 Do not pressure your mutual friends

  It is not prudent to move to make your mutual friends to choose sides. They might be a good source of support at the same time they might spread unnecessarily details from you to your ex and vise vasa, if it gets to that point, I would advise you take a break from such friends instead of ruining friendships by forcing them chose sides.

 Do what you like

   When going through break up, you will feel hurt and sometimes frustrated. Engaging your mind with something that you like- such as poetry, dancing, swimming, and singing it may raise your spirits and make you feel better.  At the same time keeping yourself busy helps as you won’t have the time to think about the break up as much.

Maintain a positive attitude

  Simply because your relationship did not work, 100% does not mean you are a failure. Remember, it takes two to make it work. On the same note, do not condemn yourself and fail to embrace other people who might be interested in you. It is vital to take time to heal; however, do not say you will never date again. Do not let your one-time life experience affect your entire life. Also, things happen for a reason.

Take it easy

  Do not rush to another relationship yet. Give yourself ample time to get over your ex. Take your time to figure out what you want to achieve in life. One major mistake young adults do is to jump into a new relationship after a breakup; most of those rushed relationships do not work leading to another breakup; thus, the situation becomes messier.

Do not lie

When a relationship ends,   you might be hurt to the extreme. At that point, all you might be feeling about your ex is nothing but hate. Not at any point should you let that anger take over you; do not go out telling lies about your ex. Take a break from social media to avoid posting nasty staff. Lying will only make you feel guilty, therefore making things worse.

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