How to ace in Canvas based quizes and test questions. Areas to research and how fast to do the timed online quizzes.

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Published: 5 years ago

How to ace in Canvas based quizes and test questions. Areas to research and how fast to do the timed online quizzes.


Canvas has come up with a test tool called quizzes. Quizzes enable the tutors to test the learners both for summative and formative assessments.  In a face to face class, it can be used to encourage the students to read ahead of the teacher. Quizzes have various tools that assist in learning and taking exams.  Among those tools include.  Grade calculator, timer, and survey option.

  Canvas based quizzes and test questions are mainly taken online. It is paramount, therefore, for students to enlighten themselves on how to navigate on the website when tackling their exams.  When taking the quiz, there are certain aspects the students should be aware of. They include:

Browser issues- when taking the examination, the student should not:

  • Maximize, minimize or resize the   browser   window as it would cause a refresh.

  • Print the assessment before completing it.

  • Take the quizzes using mobile devices such as iPhone, blackberry, android, or iPad.

  • Wait until the last minute to take the test. There might be technical issues that may take time to be resolved.   

 Computer connection

   Avoid using a wireless computer connection instead use a wired connection;   wireless computer connection can change the IP address with no or little warning.

 Canvas compatibility

When taking your quiz ensure you use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  Do not use safaris or internet explorer they have compatibility issues with canvas.

How to ace in canvas-based quizzes and test questions

Know how to navigate in the website

 The crucial thing you require to understand is how to operate in the site, take time to familiarize yourself with the site operations: research on the DO's and the DONOT's on the system when tackling your test.

 Many are times students get anxious when taking an exam, being unable to navigate in the website at that time might lead to frustration and even panic. Ensure you understand how to operate the system to build up your confidence.

 Prepare yourself well

 When taking your exam, ensure you study well on the areas to be tested. Have all that you need in the exam room.-Make sure everything is in order. Also, ensure you eat and sleep well the previous night so that you can have a fresh mind when taking your exam.

Rehearse with the previous tests

 Try to tackle tests previously done. It will prepare your mind on what to expect. Also, you can use   past questions to time yourself.

 Have a reliable internet connection 

When taking the test to ensure you have stable internet connectivity, internet connectivity failure may make you to accidentally lose your work, or fail to submit your job successfully.

   Keep an eye on the time

   Canvas based tests are always timed, after three hours canvas system will disconnect the user's session automatically. To successfully manage your time allocates each question several minutes. Preserve ten to fifteen minutes to review your answers. When taking the exam make good use of   your time to avoid incomplete work.

 Take your exam early

  Do not wait until the last day to tackle your exams. Take your test days before the actual exam date. Sometimes the system may have technical issues that may take longer to resolve. As a result, you may end up taking your exams in a hurry or not tackling it at all.

 Consult your professor

In case something goes wrong when taking the exam, email your professor immediately documenting the specific problem and ask for guidance on how to proceed.

Review your answers

 After being satisfied with your work, save it, and then submit it. Click the submit button only once. After submission, you will receive a score.

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